Mutations 3.2 "Got mutation? 'Base editors' fix genomes one nucleotide at a time" by Sandeep Ravindran "7 Actual superpowers certain human have due to genetic mutation" by Philip Perry

Study guide Mutations Test 2/21/20


Page 480-481

  1. Define Nondisjunction.
  2. What is the result of nondisjunction?
  3. Explain chromosome mutation - Down syndrome.

Page 457-459

  1. Define point and frameshift mutation.
  2. Define 3 types of gene mutations.
  3. Define chromosomal mutation.
  4. Define 4 types of chromosome mutations.
  5. What is the most likely effect of a gene mutation?
  6. Be able to transcribe DNA into mRNA and translate into amino acid and tell the effect of the mutation.

Original DNA      TAC GCA TGG AAA



Mutated DNA    TAC CAT GGA AA..



How did the AA change from the original to the mutated DNA?

Google it!

  1. Define gene.
  2. Define germline mutation.