Stephanie Roberts » LHS YEARBOOK


Welcome to the LHS Yearbook page!
We are currently working on the 36th edition of the Silver Lining Yearbook!
Sept. 13 ...............Fall Sports Pictures
Octobert 10-11.........Underclassmen (9th-11th) Picture Day 
October 25.............Underclassmen make-up photos
October 23 & 24.....Senior Make-up Pictures
October TBD...........Club Picture Day 
November....................Senior Recognition Ads due


Smilestone  is our school photographer. You can view their work and contact them by clicking the link Smilestone Photographers - Smilestone Photographers

Senior Pictures FAQ's 

Q: What pictures will be taken? 

A: You will need to take a Formal (tux or off the shoulder drape, both provided), and  a Casual photo at the Smilestone Studio in Murfreesboro for the yearbook. You can refer to their website for packages and sitting fees. 


Q: What should I wear/ bring on picture day? 

A: We recommend bringing something that shows your  style and personality. Props are always great to give individual flair to your pictures. Athletes could bring uniforms/ sporting equipment. Musicians could bring instruments. It's really up to you. We encourage individuality, however, remember these pictures become part of the yearbook, which is a historical document, so really think about it. These pictures will represent you for generations to come! 

*Any outfits that are a violation of the LHS dress code policy will be subject to not be included in the yearbook. 

**Ladies: If taking the drape for your formal pic, be sure to wear a spaghetti strap tank that can easily have the straps moved for the drape picture. 



Q: Can I have someone other than Paul Vaughn take my Seniors pictures for the yearbook? 

A: No. We are contracted with them, so your pictures must be taken by Smilestone in order for them to be included in the yearbook. 


Q: What happens after the pictures are taken? Where do I view the proofs? 

A: You  can view your proofs on the Smilestone website. You will be provided with this information at your session.   


Q: Where do I submit my Senior quote? 

A: We no longer do Senior quotes. It's a choice that I, as the yearbook advisor, chose for the aesthetic of the yearbook.