Word Wall

Quarter 4

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  1. Archaic - ancient; old-fashioned 
  2. Monarchy - a government ruled by a king or queen 
  3. Aristocratic - of noble birth, upper class 
  4. Hypothetical - based on an assumption or guess 
  5. Antithesis - the direct opposite, a sharp contrast 
  6. Syntax - sentence structure and word order 
  7. Directrix - fixed line 
  8. Obtuse - lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression 
  9. Oblique - slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct 
  10. Rectilinear - straight line 
  11. Prosthetics - artificial devices, such as limbs and joints, that replace a missing body part 
  12. Epicenter - the point on Earth's surface directly above the focus 
  13. Methodology - a system of practices, techniques, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline 
  14. Ergometer - device used to measure work 
  15. Patriarch - the male head of a family or tribe 
  16. Autocratic - absolute power or authority 
  17. Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience 
  18. Dejection - lowness of spirits; sadness; depression 
  19. Discursive - rambling, lacking order 
  20. Obdurate - stubborn; unyielding 
Quarter 3
  1. judicious - (adj.) using or showing good judgment, wise, sensible  
  2. critique - (n.) a detailed analysis and assessment.  
  3. adjudicate - (v.) to judge 
  4. incorrigible - (adj.) not able to be corrected; beyond control  
  5. rectitude - (n.) uprightness, righteousness; correctness  
  6. parameter - (n.) a determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit, boundary  
  7. pseudonym - (n.) a pen name, name assumed by a writer  
  8. ignominious - (adj.) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame  
  9. misnomer - (n.) an incorrect or inappropriate name  
  10. eulogize - (v.) praise; extol; laud; glorify  
  11. oncologist - (n.) a physician who studies and treats tumors  
  12. ergophobia - (n.) fear of work or responsibility  
  13. synergistic - (adj.) working together  
  14. egocentric - (adj.) self-centered, selfish  
  15. centrifugal - (adj.) moving away from a center or axis; outward  
  16. heliocentric - (adj.) based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe 
  17. encyclopedic - (adj.) broad in scope or content; exhaustive  
  18. exodus - (n.) a large-scale departure or flight  
  19. toponym - (n.) the name given to a portion of Earth's surface.  
  20. utopian - (adj.) founded upon or involving a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical 
Quarter 2
  1. dissension - difference of opinion; disagreement; discord  
  2. assent - (v.) to express agreement; (n.) agreement  
  3. consensus - general agreement among various groups on fundamental matters; broad agreement  
  4. deduction - the process of moving from a general rule to a specific example  
  5. ductile - capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out  
  6. conductive - supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about  
  7. punctilious - showing great attention to detail or correct behavior  
  8. poignant - emotionally moving  
  9. expunge - to erase, obliterate, destroy  
  10. abject - Lowly, miserable and wretched  
  11. dejected - Downcast or sad; depressed  
  12. trajectory - the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.  
  13. dispel - To clear away; to remove or get rid of, as if by scattering.  
  14. pelting - bombarding; striking rapidly and repeatedly  
  15. Megalopolis - A very large city  
  16. civil - polite; civilized; courteous  
  17. cosmopolitan - familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures  
  18. polity - form of government  
  19. transcribe - to make a written copy  
  20. graphologist - one who studies handwriting 
Quarter 1
  1. Obstruction - something that blocks the way of things being created or built; something in the way  
  2. Oppressive - unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group.  
  3. Obstreperous - noisy; unruly, disorderly  
  4. Obstinate - stubborn; unyielding  
  5. Divulge - to make known  
  6. Diffuse - to spread or scatter freely or widely  
  7. Distended - Enlarged or expanded from pressure  
  8. Diffident shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved  
  9. Digress - to stray from the main subject  
  10.  Apathy a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest  
  11.  Anarchy - a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.  
  12.  Amorphous - shapeless, formless, vague  
  13.  Atrophy - to waste away  
  14.  Anemic lacking vigor or energy  
  15.  Paradox - A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but expresses a possible truth.  
  16.  Paraphernalia - personal belongings  
  17.  Parasitic - living at the expense of another; sponging  
  18.  Paradigm - a model; an example  
  19.  Hedonist one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life  
  20.  Fatalist - one who believes events are determined by fate