Natasha Vaitekunas-Willis » Class Rules

Class Rules

Class Expectations   English III Advanced Honors

Mrs. Vaitekunas-Willis

Email: [email protected]

Twitter:  @mrsvwillis


I will treat my classmates with dignity and
Everything around me is of value, to be treated respectfully.
I will try my best to make a positive difference in all that I do.
I will come to school neat, clean, and on time—ready for my day.
In or out of the classroom, I will conduct my behavior in such a manner that I will be a positive reflection of my teacher and my peers.
Be brilliant at all times (because you are)!


Policies and Procedures:  In addition to the policies set forth in the Rutherford County Code of Discipline and LaVergne High School’s policies, the following policies apply.


  1. Currently, masks are optional; however, wearing masks is highly recommended and encouraged.
  2. You will have an assigned seat.  You must sit in your assigned seat.  Refusal to sit in your assigned seat is also considered defiance and an AP/Dean will be called immediately.  You must still sit in your assigned seat if there is a substitute. This is extremely important in the event that we have to do contact tracing.
  3. Once you enter the classroom, you must immediately sit in your assigned seat.  You will remain in your seat for the duration of class.  You will not be allowed to get up for any reason.   
  4. Please be seated and working on bell work when the bell rings. 
  5. Please do not talk while the teacher is talking or during announcements.
    1. You will only talk at appropriate times with teacher approval.  Chit-chat with your neighbor during class discussions or class work time is NOT acceptable.  If a student creates any kind of disruption in our learning environment, I will follow the appropriate discipline steps.
    2. Always raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged by me if you need something.
  6. The teacher, not the bell, will dismiss students.  You will remain in your seat until I dismiss you.  Do not stand by the door.
  7. No food, drinks, or gum allowed in classroom.  Absolutely no outside food will be allowed in class this year.  Any student with a medical condition, such as low blood sugar, or an extenuating circumstance should discuss that with Mrs. VW separately.  
  8. You are responsible for obtaining missed work if you are absent.  You will have five days to complete missed work.  If you are out on a day something is scheduled to be turned in, it will be considered late unless it is emailed to me.  Any work turned in late will have a grade deduction of 10 points per day (up to three days).
  9. Absolutely, NO CELL PHONES, I-pods, tablets, etc. should be brought into my room.
    1. If your cell phone is out in class and visible in any way, you will be sent to restriction for the remainder of the day.
    2. This rule includes the use of smart watches.  If you are found using your watch for anything other than checking the time, you will be sent to restriction for the remainder of the day.
    3. Charging of cell phones is prohibited.
  10. No one may use the restroom during the first or last ten minutes of class.  No one may use the restroom during odd class periods.  If you are gone to the restroom for more than 5-6 minutes, it will be considered skipping.
  11. Do not write on the desks and please do not leave anything in the room or under the desks. (Including books, papers, trash).
  12. Student computers will be used only with permission from the teacher and for the sole purpose of school assignments.
  13. No one is to go behind my desk or borrow anything of mine in the room without my permission.

Classroom Misconduct and Hallway Misconduct Consequences:                   Tardies:


1st offense- Warning                                                                                      1st offense- Warning

2nd offense- Educational Assignment                                                              2nd offense- E.A.

3rd offense- EMS (Early Morning School)                                                       3rd offense- EMS

4th offense- 8th period                                                                                     4th offense- 8th period

5th offense- Dean Referral                                                                              5th offense- Dean Referral


**Parental contact will be made each time         ***Attendance and punctuality are extremely important in this class.


There are three categories for LHS grades:  Daily (25%), Tests (45%), and SBG (30%)


Tests grades will consist of:                                                     Daily grades will consist of:

Weekly CFA’s                                                                         Daily in-class assignments

Benchmark Tests                                                                      Daily quizzes

Word Wall Tests                                                                       Literacy Lessons

Projects                                                                                    Homework

Unit tests                                                                                 

Novel tests                                                                  

BW/TOD (9 weeks’ worth will make-up one test grade)


Class Overview:

The main focus of English III Advanced Honors will be preparing for the ACT.  We will learn vocabulary, grammar rules, and reading comprehension strategies that will help prepare you for the ACT.  In addition, to ACT skills, we will be reading and analyzing works from American Literature including prose, poetry, and drama beginning with the early settlement period through the twentieth century.  



Outside Reading:

Two to three novels/plays per semester will be read outside of class, on your own time.  More details to come.




**THIS CLASS WILL BE CHALLENGING!  After all, most of you will take Dual Enrollment or AP English IV next year.  It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.  Remember, I am here to help.  Please utilize VISA when you are struggling or need any extra help.  


Just remember, if you follow these basic expectations, YOU WILL SUCCEED:


  • BE HERE EVERYDAY. It’s your junior year, and you don’t want to miss a minute!  😊
  • Come to class on time, prepared to learn, and prepared with ALL materials.
  • Keep up with the outside reading.
  • Complete all assignments ON TIME.
  • Participate!!!