School and Class Rules 2023/2024

Mrs. Abdelmasseh's Expectations 
1. No cellphones will be used during class: students will keep their electronic devices in their backpacks during classes.
2. Arrive on time for class, sit on your assigned seat, and be prepared for class work. 
3. Use only positive language at school and class. Keep your language clean and appropriate for the classroom setting.
4. Respect your teacher and your classmates. Listen to the teacher when being spoken to and answer your question.

5. Raise your hand to speak or volunteer.

6. Follow the dress code of the school.

7. Do not cheat or copy other people’s work.

8. Complete all assignments, and if a student misses any work, he must make it up within 5 days.

9. Respect the school property.

10. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

11. Do not leave your seat without permission.

12. Ask for help if you do not understand something the teacher just said and be respectful while asking for it.

13. Always try your best. Never give up!